The Constitution And The Militia

It is the primary mission of the Citizen’s Militia to promote and endeavor to return our government to a Representative Republic as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and structured in the Constitution of the United States.

This is to be accomplished through education and open dialogue. There are unlimited resources online to gain a sound knowledge of the Constitution and how the government is designed to function. As a militia, we should use knowledge to educate those around us to return our country to its Constitutional form of government.

Training is conducted on a schedule set by individual battalions based on the needs and availability of their members. Each battalion develops a training plan that best meets the needs for that unit. Battalions are required to hold a monthly FTX (Field Training Exercise).

All members of Lightfoot are required to maintain a minimum proficiency in marksmanship and endeavor to improve their marksmanship skills. All members are also required to be proficient in basic comms, basic medical and tactics.

Each battalion develops advanced training subjects that best fits the needs of their AO (Area of Operations). Advanced trainings includes skills such as:

  • Land Navigation

  • Survival

  • Prepping

  • Advanced comms (think HAM Operators)

  • Advanced Medical

  • Search & Rescue

  • Urban Tactics

  • Plus more…

A Statewide FTX will be coordinated once a year for a joint training exercise for all battalions able to participate.

On occasion a Joint FTX will be coordinated with other militia units not a part of Lightfoot for the purposes of networking.

Battalion Training

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
— Samuel Adams

Will you join us?